5. NRW Topology Meeting


Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29, 2006

Schedule of talks

Friday, April 28
11.15 - 12.00 Andrew Ranicki
The geometric Hopf invariant
12.15 - 13.00 Steffen Sagave
Toda brackets of ring spectra and realizability
Lunch break
14.30 - 15.15 Rainer Vogt
Homotopy limits and colimits in classical homotopy theory
15.30 - 16.15 Markus Szymik
Tautological families and stable diffeomorphism groups
Tea/Coffee break
17.00 - 18.00 Bernhard Leeb
On the Ricci flow and the geometrization of 3-manifolds
Saturday, April 29
10.00 - 10.45 Markus Rost
Algebraic Cobordism: Examples and applications
Tea/Coffee break
11.15 - 12.00 Oliver Röndigs
Splitting of curves in motivic stable homotopy theory
12.15 - 13.00 Teimuraz Pirashvili
Third MacLane cohomology

The sessions will take place at lecture hall H 11 and H 14, Universität Bielefeld, Universitätsstrasse 25, 33615 Bielefeld .

There is no formal registration, but please send an email so that we can estimate the number of participants; please indicate whether you want to join us for dinner on April 28.

2005/12/22 -- Stefan Bauer