Gebhard Martin

Mathematisches Institut
Universität Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn

Tel.: +49 (0)228 73 62267
Mail: gmartin
Raum: 1.041


Summer 2025:
Winter 2024/25:
Summer 2024:
Winter 2023/24:
Summer 2023:
Winter 2022/23:
Summer 2022:
Winter 2021/22:
Summer 2021:
Winter 2020/21:
Summer 2019:
Winter 2018/19:
Summer 2018:

Articles and Preprints

  1. Classification of non-F-split del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 (with R. Wagener), 6 pages
  2. Enriques surfaces of zero entropy (with G. Mezzedimi and D. Veniani), 22 pages
  3. Nodal Enriques surfaces are Reye congruences (with G. Mezzedimi and D. Veniani),
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle) , Volume 808 (2024), 16 pages
  4. Bounding geometrically integral del Pezzo surfaces (with F. Bernasconi),
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 12 (2024), 24 pages
  5. Automorphisms of del Pezzo surfaces in odd characteristic (with I. Dolgachev),
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society , Volume 109, Number 5 (2024), 40 pages
  6. Automorphisms of del Pezzo surfaces in characteristic 2 (with I. Dolgachev),
    Accepted for publication in Algebra & Number Theory , 44 pages
  7. RDP del Pezzo surfaces with global vector fields in odd characteristic (with C. Stadlmayr),
    Algebraic Geometry Volume 11, issue 3 (May 2024), 346--385
  8. Enriques surfaces of non-degeneracy 3 (with G. Mezzedimi and D. Veniani),
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society , (2024), published online first
  9. On extra-special Enriques surfaces (with G. Mezzedimi and D. Veniani),
    Mathematische Annalen Volume 387, Number 1-2 (2023), 133--143
  10. Torsors over the Rational Double Points in Characteristic p (with C. Liedtke and Y. Matsumoto),
    Accepted for publication in Astérisque , 76 pages
  11. Linearly Reductive Quotient Singularities (with C. Liedtke and Y. Matsumoto),
    Accepted for publication in Astérisque , 51 pages
  12. Automorphism groups of rational elliptic and quasi-elliptic surfaces in all characteristics (with I. Dolgachev),
    Advances in Mathematics Volume 400 (2022), 108274
  13. Automorphism schemes of (quasi-)bielliptic surfaces ,
    Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique , Volume 6 (2022), Article no. 9
  14. Weak del Pezzo surfaces with global vector fields (with C. Stadlmayr),
    Geometry & Topology Number 28 (2024), pp. 3565–3641
  15. Infinitesimal automorphisms of algebraic varieties and vector fields on elliptic surfaces ,
    Algebra & Number Theory Volume 16, Number 7 (2022), pp. 1655–-1704.
  16. Automorphisms of unnodal Enriques surfaces, 22 pages
  17. Numerically trivial automorphisms of Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 (with I. Dolgachev),
    J. Math. Soc. Japan Volume 71, Number 4 (2019), 1181--1200.
  18. Classification of Enriques surfaces with finite automorphism group in characteristic 2 (with T. Katsura and S. Kondo),
    Algebraic Geometry Volume 7, Issue 4 (2020), 390--459.
  19. Enriques surfaces with finite automorphism group in positive characteristic,
    Algebraic Geometry Volume 6, Issue 5 (2019), 592--649.