I have made various contributions to Lean's mathematical library mathlib (and beyond). The following is a broad overview; all my (merged and pending) contributions can be found on GitHub. This page was last updated on: January 17th, 2025

New mathematics formalised

Statistics and general overview

I have worked on various pre-requisites to formalising symplectic geometry, including Sard's theorem , the implicit function theorem (in Banach manifolds) and the basics for bordism theory. A number of pre-requisites and related results have already been incorporated into mathlib. A detailed list of my contributions can be found here. My current activities include contributing to the Carleson project and formalising various analytic results concerning Sobolev spaces, partial differential operators or elliptic regularity estimates. I have reviewer rights within mathlib.

New mathematics formalised

Most new mathematics I have formalised is related to Sard's theorem, for instance as a pre-requisite to its proof. This includes the following.

Other mathematics contributions point towards formalising various aspects of differential geometry: